Thursday 15 July 2021

The Invisible Barrier - The Shark Story


 A scientist was once experimenting the behaviour of sharks. He put a shark into a big tank. He also put some tiny fishes into the tank as a bait to the shark

In no time, the shark attacked the fishes and had a good meal. Next, the scientist inserted a fiberglass in to the tank, dividing the tank into two halves. Then he added the small fishes to one chamber. The shark remained in the other chamber. 

The shark tried to get the fishes, but failed because of the fiberglass. Every time the shark tried to get its prey, it failed on hitting the fiberglass barrier. The shark tried to catch the tiny fishes many times every day and after several attempts it gave up.

Next, the scientist removed the fiberglass barrier from the tank. Surprisingly the shark never attempted to get the fishes.

Experiencing successive failures, an invisible barrier had been raised in the shark's mind that prevented it from attempting to get its bait once again.

Think about the story. We also face similar situations in our life. Do you see such an invisible barrier in front of you?


  1. No I do not have these barriers...but it is true that these things do happen....

  2. Yes sir i have seen an invisible mirror infront of me and i hit it

  3. The people who had succeed in their life has failed many never ever give up.

  4. sir the story tells that never give up dont give that like never give up.

  5. So many failure will come in your life. Never
    give up

  6. no sir .... i didn't feel anything in my life.

  7. yes sir me too I have also seen these types of barriers and hit many times


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